Run Historical Jobs on your iQ Social Monitors

To view mentions before a monitor's creation, use this tool to pull in data from Twitter dating back to 2006

Go to iQ Social > Login using your iQ Social credentials > Listen > Monitors

  1. There are two ways to create a Historical Job:
    • From the Monitors’ page, by clicking on the three dots and then on Historical Jobs.
    • From a monitor by clicking on the three dots of the buttons in the Dashboard and then clicking on Historical Jobs.
This will open a screen where you can see:
    • Your data plan: here you’ll find your contract’s start and end date. Also, the total mentions limit and the total mentions' usage.
    • The date range the historical job will cover.

      Historical Jobs 1
  1. Once you’ve done that, click on the Request Estimate option to get an estimate of the number of posts that will be pulled in. Remember to take into account the number of mentions that are available. If you’re satisfied, click on Request Data

  2. If you scroll down, you will see a list of Open requests (i.e. historical jobs that haven’t been processed yet) and a list of Completed requests (i.e. historical jobs that have been finished). Clicking on View will redirect you to a Dashboard with the selected date range.

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⚠️ A monitor will only gather data after you’ve created it.

⚠️ It’s important to take notice of your available mentions so that you don’t go overboard when requesting the historical job.

Historical jobs will use data from your monthly allowance, so be mindful. In any doubt, get in touch with support for assistance