Add KPI Metrics to your Dashboard

Key Performance Index is a component that displays and monitors important metrics on your dashboard

Table of contents

  1. Add a KPI Component
  2. Appearance

Add a KPI Component

Go to Analysis tab > Dashboards > Create/Edit a Dashboard

  1. Drag and drop the KPI component from the left-side menu to your dashboard;

  2. Edit the component to configure the properties;

  3. Add a Title (mandatory) and a Subtitle (optional) to describe the displayed value;

  4. On the Data section, add a Measure by selecting an aggregation and a data structure/data field;

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  5. You can apply a filter to the data calculated by clicking on the filter icon next to the data structure name and add the desired rules;

  6. By default, the displayed value is the result of the aggregation, however, you can change it, by configuring the Conditional Display:

    • Click on + Condition, and set the rules;
    • Fill in the Display Value. For example, if the result of the aggregation is less than 10, you can make the display value "Too low";
    • You can also change the text color and the background color based on the result.
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  1. Edit the component and click on Design;
  2. Customize the text color, the background color, and the font size plus alignment of each element. If you have a default background color saved under the company settings, it will show automatically;
  3. After saving your dashboard, you can also click on the expand icon, in the top right corner of this component, in order to display it in full screen.


💡 Click on the link to know more about Actions on Dashboards Elements.