Add a Timeline to a GeoMap Chart

Enable the Timeline feature to track and observe how the associated data evolves over different periods

Go to Analysis tab > Dashboards > Create/Edit a Dashboard > Add/Edit a GeoMap Chart component

💡 To add a map, drag and drop the GeoMap Chart option from the left-hand side of the screen onto the canvas.

  1. Click on General to enter a title and toggle on/off the option Show Timeline. When you enable it, you will see the changes over time for the report that you selected for your layers. (e.g.: number of cases per year);
  2. When you toggle on the Timeline, you must select the Date/Time Field for your layers, in order to see the Timeline when you activate each layer;

    Timeline 1
  3. Click on Apply to save the changes on your layer and see the Timeline. Then click on Save to interact with your Timeline in your Map layers;
  4. The visualization of each layer with or without timelines will be displayed on the left corner of your map. You can zoom in or zoom out, and change the map view by clicking on the right-top corner and selecting between Map or Satellite view. 

    Timeline 2

⚠️ Note that these options might be limited if AKTEK iO is installed on-premise. 

✅ You will be able to toggle on/off the Timeline for each map available in your dashboards. Keep in mind that you have to select the Date/Time field for each layer (if applicable).