1. Helpdesk
  2. Admin
  3. Agency and Company Management

Create a Company Inside an Agency

With an AKTEK iO Agency, you can create multiple child companies under your parent company

You will be able to create several child companies under your parent company’s supervision/administration. Companies will allow you to create new child companies under your parent company.

Go to Admin > Agency > Companies

  1. Select Companies to see and edit your child companies or create new ones.
  2. To add a company, click Add Company. This will open a form for you to add:
    • Company ID: a combination of numbers and/or letters. This will allow you to designate user IDs for users under that company, this ID will work as a prefix to each user ID. E.g (AKTEK-12345, Company ID: AKTEK, User ID: 12345);

    • Type: will allow you to add new agency companies – Parent – and regular companies – Child;

    • Languages: you will be able to select from the available list of languages supported by the AKTEK iO translation feature;
    • Default language: the language in which you will see AKTEK iO.

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  3. Use the search box to look for a specific company, or click on the menu on the left-hand side of the row to edit existing ones.

  4. You can see the usage metrics for all companies or for each one. This will open a pop-up window where you can see the number of users, total records, active records, deleted reports, fields, report structures, folders, dashboards, Networks, Business Processes, etc. 

  5. Users for your Agency company can be created as Agency managers, Account Managers, or Regular users. To learn more about this, please refer to this page.

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✅ All agency users can automatically interact with all child companies as administrators.