Field Options in AKTEK iO

These field options are crucial to effectively build and customize the structure of your reports

Field options in AKTEK iO are manifold. You can create fields that are:

  1. Free Text: single-line or multi-lineDS5
  2. Yes/No toggles: Boolean
  3. Fixed options: where you determine the options the user can draw from and, unlike other fields, this field can be allowed to be edited by the user directly from the table view
  4. Color Fields: e.g. add color to an entry, this will be useful to facilitate defining chart colors or color categories
  5. Natural Numbers or Decimal Numbers

  6. Date & Time: together or separated

  7. Stopwatch: allows you to keep track of time for a certain action

    1. Scroll down to Date & Time and drag Stopwatch to add it to your report;
    2. Give your field a name and select the metric (mandatory);
    3. After saving the changes, add data to your report and choose if you want to start your stopwatch. Save your record;
    4. Come anytime later to edit your record and stop the time counter (stopwatch).
  8. Generic File: upload files such as Word, Excel, or PDF documents. If the Show file name is enabled, it will be displayed under the item in the table view
  9. DS7Image: allows you to upload an image with one of the following formats: jpg, png, bmp, jpeg (No size limit)
  10. Video: allows you to upload a video with one of the following formats: webm, ogg, mp4 (No size limits)
    • For images and video fields, if you define the minimum >1 you will allow the users to enter more than one image/video;
    • If you enable Save Metadata, the metadata will be automatically saved upon the media upload.
  11. Album: allows you to upload a collection of images and videos. Don't forget to define the minimum >1. You can also set the maximum limit
  12. GS8GPS: to add the coordinates of a location
  13. Reference: to a field in another report in the database
  14. Ref. Annex: to get associated info with the related reference added by the user
  15. Multiple Reference: allowing to select from one field in another report in the database
  16. Multi Ref. Annex: to get associated info with each of the references added by the user
  17. Connected Reference: to a field in another report, with the options filtered based on selecting a previous reference field in the same report

  18. Subform: will allow you to enter data into another report within the same report, withDS9 all fields visible to edit directly
  19. Multi Subform: will allow you to enter many rows into another report within the same report. You must identify the columns you wish to fill by defining the headers.
  20. Application Field: e.g. selecting users or groups from the database, or...
  21. Automatic Field: (e.g. Current User or Current Time at submission).

  22. Formula: allows you to write your own formula (similar to Excel formulas). The formula can also use your report's fields as dynamic values.

    • All Microsoft Excel functions can be used here with the same syntax;
    • You can also use the fields existing in your report to build the logic needed. Just typeDS10 the dollar sign ($), and all available fields will appear for you to pick the one you need;
    • A preview of your formula will show you the possible result with dummy values;
    • After saving the changes, add data to your report, and the formula field will be automatically calculated and filled for every entry. This is especially useful for risk scores (e.g. likelihood * impact) and other custom indices.

✅ Combine any of the above fields (1 to 22) to create any report. 

💡 When you add or edit a field, you will get different options based on the field            type. For instance, if you edit a text field, you will find the following options:

  • Mandatory field: Enable this toggle to make the field mandatory. This option is available in all types of fields (except automatic fields).  The user won't be able to save the record if this field is not filled.
  • Show description under field name: If the toggle is disabled, the user will get an "i" icon next to the field name. They can hover over this icon to read the description of the field. However, when enabled, the description will show automatically under the field name.

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  • This text box has the ability to accept multiple lines of text: Enable this toggle to make the text box bigger to enter multiple lines or paragraphs. 
  • Conditional field: it means that you need to show this field only when a specific condition is met. Enable the toggle, then click on Set condition in order to set the rules based on other fields in the same data structure.
    Remember that if the field is marked as mandatory, it will be required only when the condition is met.
  • On Reference fields, you will also be able to allow users to create a new record. For this, toggle ON this option below each field you wish to add it to.

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